The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever

Jacques Cousteau

My Octopus Friend: An Evolving Friendship (Part 4)


Marked by missed encounters, stormy weather and frothing seas, Part 4 of my octopus series covers encounters 6-10 from 13-20 June 2021. Deeper connection simply produced more questions and curiosity within me. The octopus began to occupy my psyche in new ways and I struggled with the concern that ou...

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We're All Interconnected: Womb Pool Reveries


I made this short video after a sunrise immersion in a calm pool in late March 2021. The immersive experience was not just in the water but in the entire tidepool environment where stillness and observation helped open my eyes to the many wonders always around us but which often go unperceived due to our inability to 'see'. I'm aware I've only...

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  1127 Hits

365: Coming Full Circle

P3140043-3 The Waves Call Me Home on Day 365

365Tears upon the shoreLaughter into the windJoy in the wavesA year swimming at dawnA gift of a lifetime!  In mid-March 2021 swimming at dawn for one year came full circle. I swam or immersed myself every day, at least once, for 12 months, four seasons, 52 weeks, 13 moon phases, 365 days. I am not a numbers person but I am proud of this empowe...

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  1830 Hits

My Body the Ocean: Swimming My Song

P9230134-2 My Body the Ocean - I sing my song to the sea.

Even with the windows closed, I can hear the deep, powerful resonance of the ocean, a 20-minute walk away from my house. I live on a hill that looks down upon the sea. It's too far to hear individual waves crashing but close enough for the collective roar to float up and surround my consciousness as a constant presence. Even though I am often not a...

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La Belle Sauvage: Finding and Celebrating Your Wildish Nature

IMG_20200723_083230 La belle sauvage, where does she go?

The idea of La belle sauvage or the wild beauty came to me as I looked at my footprints disappearing into the tide pool. Then the words, "....and then she was gone" came into my mind. And, "Where does she go?" Like my footprints, creative ideas emerged from within tiptoeing out into my watery magical world where I have found such joy...

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  1443 Hits

Come, Swim at Dawn

IMG_20200411_081754-2 Footprints in the sand

Come with me and swim at dawn. Feel, see and share what it is like to greet the morning and the sea each day. Become part of this soulful journey of exploration and renewal in this magical world that is the ocean and its environs. The sea awaits you. In this video, I prepare for my immersion. My feet reach the water and my shadow mer...

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